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The Russian Lieutenant
Шпионские детективы

The Russian Lieutenant

Автор: Marshall Peter
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
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It all began with an online date, which led Marina Peters into the ruthless world of international espionage. This is a first novel from an experienced writer of non-fiction books. It describes how Marina Peters’ grandparents emigrated to...
Quiller Bamboo
Шпионские детективы

Quiller Bamboo

Автор: Холл Адам
Серия: Quiller #15
Язык: английский
Год: 1991
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Summoned late at night to the Bureau, Quiller attends a secret conference with the foreign secretary and a surprise defector: the Chinese ambassador to Britain. Minutes later, shots ring out and the ambassador's body is flung out onto the...
Шпионские детективы


Язык: английский
Год: 1988
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Bombs are exploding in the streets of London, but life seems to have planted more subtle booby-traps for Miles Flint. Miles is a spy. His job is to watch and to listen, then to report back to his superiors, nothing more. The job, affording glimpses...