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Возвращение веры [A Restoration of Faith]
Городское фэнтези, Другие детективы

Возвращение веры [A Restoration of Faith]

Язык: русский
Год: 2002
полная версия

Рассказ об одном небольшом приключении Гарри Дрездена в начале его карьеры сыщика и волшебника. В России не...
Городское фэнтези


Серия: Fallen #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2003
полная версия

Aaron Corbet is an eighteen-year-old Nephilim and the one who will reunite the fallen angels with Heaven. But right now Aaron isn't interested in saving anybody other than himself, his magically powered dog, and his younger, autistic foster...
Городское фэнтези


Серия: Fallen #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2003
полная версия

Eighteen-year-old Aaron is on the run from the Powers that killed his foster parents and took his younger brother, Steven. With his dog, Gabriel, and Camael, a former Power, he is drawn north to a small town in Maine. Here Aaron, who still hasn't...