Dead Mann Running

Dead Mann Running
Городское фэнтези, Детективная фантастика
Автор: Petrucha Stefan
Серия: Hessius Mann #2
Год: 2012
Добавил: Admin 15 Янв 13
Проверил: Admin 15 Янв 13
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Just because a bullet has your name on it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t duck…

Either I’m stubborn, or it’s rigor mortis, but being dead didn’t stop me from being a detective or finding my wife’s killer. But it’s tough out there for a zombie, and lately it’s been getting tougher. These days the life-challenged have to register and take monthly tests to prove our emotional stability. See, if my kind gets too low, we go feral. I’ve been feeling a little down lately myself…

So when a severed arm—yeah, just the arm—leaves a mysterious briefcase at my office, my assistant, Misty, thinks figuring out where it came from will keep me on track. But this case goes deeper and darker than I imagined, and my imagination gets pretty dark. Turns out the people after it know more about my past life than I can remember, and even more about what I’ve become.

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