
Автор: Maxey James
Серия: Dragon Age [Maxey] #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2007
Издатель: Solaris
ISBN: 1-84416-487-X
Добавил: Admin 2 Янв 24
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The Bitterwood legend is a tale known by all dragons: the story of Bant Bitterwood, the most powerful dragon slayer ever to have lived and his vendetta against the all powerful Sun Dragons. Although Bitterwood's death was well documented, there are many that believe he actually escaped death and still lives, killing from the shadows.
When King Albekizan's son and last hope as a successor is horrifically murdered, the manhunt for Bitterwood begins. The King will stop at nothing to seek out Bitterwood and wreak his revenge, even though his unrelenting need for vengeance could lead to the ultimate downfall of the Dragons and end their reign forever..

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