Tales of Oescienne: A Short Story Collection. Volume One

Tales of Oescienne:  A Short Story Collection. Volume One
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Издатель: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 978-1475090949
Добавил: Admin 9 Апр 20
Проверил: Admin 9 Апр 20
Формат:  FB2, ePub, TXT, RTF, PDF, HTML, MOBI, JAVA, LRF

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Three new tales from the world of Ethöes . . . CONQUER THE CASTLE Jahrra and her friends are about to embark upon a very important mission: to steal the flag of their nemesis, Eydeth, in a city-wide game of Conquer the Castle. Will they be able to outwit their other classmates in order to win the grand prize, or will the twins once again make Jahrra the laughing stock of the whole school? THE SPIRIT STONE RING The Mystic Archedenaeh has found reason to leave the comfort of her forest home in the province of Oescienne. Before she can move on, however, she must first verify a rumor she has heard, but all she discovers is a treasured ring left behind as a bitter reminder of the truth. FIRE AND ICE The Tanaan dragon Jaax and his colleagues are called upon to save a small town from the wrath of one of the Crimson King's evil dragons. In the process, Jaax receives a minor injury, a nagging reminder of his failure that soon becomes the symbol of another's triumph.

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