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Ante Mortem

Ante Mortem

Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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Ante Mortem — pre-death. That space between drawing the first breath, and the last… otherwise known as life. Eleven stories for the eleventh hour. Snuggle in tight, have a glass of wine, light a candle. These stories have been given new...
Tooth & Nail [Short Story]

Tooth & Nail [Short Story]

Серия: Benny Imura
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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What happened to Benny Imura and his friends after they reached Sanctuary — and discovered that it was far from the miracle they had thought it would be? Jonathan Maberry shares a glimpse into a formative moment in an exclusive e-short story that...
Dead & Gone [Short Story]

Dead & Gone [Short Story]

Серия: Benny Imura
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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How did Riot escape from the Night Church? How did she survive the Rot & Ruin — and the horrors of her own past? There’s only one way to find out…. Jonathan Maberry explores the origins of a fascinating new character in an exclusive...


Серия: Рыскач
Язык: русский
полная версия

Короткие рассказы хороши тем, что во время работы над ними легко ставить эксперименты — концептуальные или просто стилистические....