Mama Sees Stars

Mama Sees Stars
Дамский детективный роман, Иронические детективы
Автор: Sharp Deborah
Серия: Mace Bauer #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
Страниц: 58
Издатель: Midnight Ink
ISBN: 0738726982 (ISBN13: 9780738726984)
Город: Woodbury
Статус: Закончена
Добавил: Admin 24 Ноя 15
Проверил: Admin 24 Ноя 15
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When a film crew comes a'callin on little Himmarshee, Mace snags a job as animal wrangler. Mama is sure this cowboy flick will be her own ticket to Hollywood. The Left Coasters are out of their element: No vanilla lattes or yoga studios. Hotter outside than a Santa Ana. Mosquitoes as big as Gulfstream jets.

The locals think the film folk are nuttier than squirrels at a peanut festival. But make-believe turns to murder when Mace finds the movie's producer shot and strung up at the horse corral. Who in blue blazes DIDN'T want to kill the much-hated executive? Mama's role might be miniscule, but her head swells to superstar proportions. When evil starts stalking the cast, Mama might just become one dead diva.

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