A Nurse's Story: My Life in A&E During the Covid Crisis

A Nurse's Story: My Life in A&E During the Covid Crisis
Биографии и мемуары
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
Издатель: Pan Books
ISBN: 978-1-5290-5894-9
Город: London
Добавил: Admin 16 Апр 21
Проверил: Admin 16 Апр 21
Формат:  FB2, ePub, TXT, RTF, PDF, HTML, MOBI, JAVA, LRF

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Moving, honest and inspiring – this is a nurse’s story of life in a busy A &E department during the Covid-19 crisis.
Working in A&E is a challenging job but nurse Louise Curtis loves it. She was newly qualified as an advanced clinical practitioner, responsible for life or death decisions about the patients she saw, when the unthinkable happened and the country was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. The stress on the NHS was huge and for the first time in her life, the job was going to take a toll on Louise herself.
In A Nurse’s Story she describes what happened next, as the trickle of Covid patients became a flood. And just as tragically, staff in A&E were faced with the effects of lockdown on society. They worried about their regulars, now missing, and saw an increase in domestic abuse victims and suicide attempts as loneliness hit people hard. By turns heartbreaking and heartwarming, this book shines a light on the compassion and dedication of hospital staff during such dark times.

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