Zend Framework 2 Foundations

Zend Framework 2 Foundations
Другая компьютерная литература, Программы
Год: 2015
Добавил: Admin 17 Ноя 20
Проверил: Admin 17 Ноя 20
Формат:  PDF (4824 Kb)
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Whether you're completely new to Zend Framework, have experience in other PHP frameworks, such as Symfony, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Kohana and FuelPHP or have a background in other, MVC-based frameworks, this book will teach you what you need to know to begin successfully developing with Zend Framework 2.

With a framework as sophisticated and feature rich as Zend Framework 2, it can be easy to get lost in all of the possible options to choose from and paths to go down. This book helps you stick to the essentials as you're coming to grips with the framework, focusing on what you really need to know, to get the job done.

What You Will Learn

Readers will learn the core fundamentals along with the key areas of the framework that you need to get you up and running quickly. The key topics cover:

Core Patterns (including):
Inversion of Control
Core Concepts (including):
Dependency Injection
Controllers & Actions

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