The Drowned Girls

The Drowned Girls
Другие детективы
Автор: White Loreth Anne
Серия: Angie Pallorino #1
Год: 2017
Добавил: Admin 11 Фев 18
Проверил: Admin 11 Фев 18
Формат:  EPUB (893 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


He surfaced two years ago. Then he disappeared.

But Detective Angie Pallorino hasn't forgotten the violent rapist who left a distinctive calling card - crosses etched into the flesh of his victim's foreheads. When a comatose Jane Doe is found in a local cemetery, sexually assaulted, mutilated, and nearly drowned, Angie is struck by the eerie similarities to her earlier unsolved rapes. Could he be back?

Then the body of a drowned young woman, also bearing the marks of the serial rapist, floats up in the Gorge, and the hunt for a predator becomes a hunt for a killer. Assigned to the joint investigative task force, Angie is more than ready to prove that she has what it takes to break into the all-male homicide division. But her private life collides with her professional ambitions when she's introduced to her temporary partner, James Maddocks - a man she'd met just the night before in an intense, anonymous encounter.

Together, Angie and Maddocks agree to put that night behind them. But as their search for the killer intensifies, so does their mutual desire. And Angie's forays into the mind of a monster shake loose some unsettling secrets about her own past. How can she fight for the truth when it turns out her whole life is a lie?

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