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The Torah, the Bible and the Quran or World War III
История, Политика

The Torah, the Bible and the Quran or World War III

Серия: Taboo Book #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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This book is dedicated to the memory of Yakov Aminov murdered in cold blood by Arab terrorist in the international airport of Los Angeles. «This dreadful act took place on July 4, 2002, on Independence Day of the United States». After the...
With Americans of Past and Present Days
История, Политика

With Americans of Past and Present Days

Серия: Pulitzer Prize for History #1917
Язык: английский
Год: 1916
Статус: Закончена
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Under the above title M. Jusserand presents the American public with a series of seven studies and addresses which are dedicated in graceful fashion to the thirteen original states. The reputation of the author as a scholar, a statesman, and a...
Национальные особенности охоты за голосами [Так делают президентов]
Маркетинг и реклама, Политика

Национальные особенности охоты за голосами [Так делают президентов]

Язык: английский
Год: 2004
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Мысли, наблюдения, парадоксальные, порой, суждения одного из веду-щих в мире специалистов по избирательным технологиям - Жака Сеге-лы,...
Stalin: The Enduring Legacy
История, Политика

Stalin: The Enduring Legacy

Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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Stalin: The Enduring Legacy considers the ‘Man of Steel’ in a manner that will outrage dogmatists of both Left and Right. Stalinist Russia is reassessed as a state that transcended Marxism, and proceeded on a nationalist and imperial path...