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Konzentriruysya svobodno

Konzentriruysya svobodno

Автор: Babauta Leo
Язык: английский
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О чем эта книга? Эта книга, «Концентрируйся свободно», написана Лео Бабаутой, создателем Zen Habbits и MNMlist. Книга была написана публично, в...
The Global Community and The Need for Universal Responsibility
Другая религиозная литература, Культурология

The Global Community and The Need for Universal Responsibility

Язык: английский
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As the twentieth century draws to a close, we find that the world has grown smaller and the world's people have become almost one community. Political and military alliances have created large multinational groups, industry and international...
Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment

Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment

Язык: английский
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Eastern philosophy popularizer and mind-body pioneer Chopra has done novels before, and critics have not found fiction his long suit. That should change with this tale of how the Indian prince Siddhartha came to be the enlightened one, the...