How to Ruin a Duke: A Regency Novella Duet

How to Ruin a Duke: A Regency Novella Duet
Исторические любовные романы
Год: 2019
Добавил: Admin 11 Апр 21
Проверил: Admin 11 Апр 21
Формат:  EPUB (301 Kb)
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Grace Burrowes and Theresa Romain team up to set two Regency novellas against a backdrop of scandal, intrigue, and literary mischief inspired by the real-life spoof of Lord Byron published by Lady Caroline Lamb.

Rhapsody for Two by Theresa Romain
Rowena Fairweather, a builder of stringed instruments, is facing a difficult future. Simon Thorn is a musician fleeing his past. When a page from How to Ruin a Duke brings them together, will these two independent souls allow themselves to fall in love?

When His Grace Falls by Grace Burrowes
The very proper Duke of Emory, lampooned in How to Ruin A Duke, suspects that the author of his misfortune is Lady Edith Charbonneau. He sets out to ruin her before she can write a sequel, except... what if he's wrong, and she's not his enemy after all?

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