Touching Evil

Touching Evil
Остросюжетные любовные романы, Ужасы
Автор: Knight Rob
Год: 2008
Добавил: Admin 18 Май 12
Проверил: Admin 18 Май 12
Формат:  PDF (2188 Kb)
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Greg has a special talent he’d give anything to be rid of. After an accident many years ago that left him in a coma, Greg woke up to find that he could touch things and know what had happened to them. Too bad he can’t control the talent enough to keep it from overwhelming him.

The only good thing his gift has brought him is Artie, an overprotective cop with a psychotic cat and a great bedside manner. When a sociopath targets Greg as his new victim will Artie’s protection be enough? And can they stop the killer before he ruins their lives forever?

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