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Indian Country
Военная проза, Сатира

Indian Country

Автор: Schlichter Kurt
Серия: Kelly Turnbull
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
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It’s all-out war for ruthless red state special operator Kelly Turnbull when he returns in this blockbuster prequel to “People’s Republic,” Kurt Schlichter’s top selling novel of America after the polarized politics of blue versus red have...
Политические детективы, Сатира


Автор: Johnson Stanley
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
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Stanley Johnson’s Kompromat is a brilliant satirical thriller that tells the story of 2016’s seismic and unexpected political events on both sides of the Atlantic. The UK referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU was a political...
Major Karnage
Научная фантастика, Сатира

Major Karnage

Автор: Zajac Gord
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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DON’T TALK TO HIM ABOUT THE WAR!!!! It has been 20 years since The War, and Major John Karnage has finally settled into retirement: locked up in an insane asylum, with an explosive device embedded in the back of his neck to curb his...
Monday Starts on Saturday
Сатира, Социально-философская фантастика

Monday Starts on Saturday

Серия: NITWiT #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
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Sasha, a young computer programmer from Leningrad, is driving north to meet some friends for a nature vacation. He picks up a couple of hitchhikers, who persuade him to take a job at the National Institute for the Technology of Witchcraft and...
Nomina-Omina (Латинська рима)
Сатира, Юмористическая проза

Nomina-Omina (Латинська рима)

Язык: украинский
Год: 1929
Статус: Закончена
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Невеличкий гумористично-сатиричний твір Майка Йогансена "Nomina-Omina" (що в перекладі з латини означає Імена-Ознаки), було опубліковано...
Numero Zero

Numero Zero

Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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A newspaper committed to blackmail and mud slinging, rather than reporting the news. A paranoid editor, walking through the streets of Milan, reconstructing fifty years of history against the backdrop of a plot involving the cadaver of...