...Where Angels Fear to Tread

...Where Angels Fear to Tread
Научная фантастика
Язык: английский
Год: 1997
Издатель: Dell Magazines
Добавил: Admin 9 Сен 15
Проверил: Admin 9 Сен 15
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The author’s latest novel, A King of Infinite Space, is just out from HarperPrism. His most recent story for us, “The Death of Captain Future” (October 1995), won the 1996 Hugo award for Best Novella, and was a finalist for the Nebula award. Mr. Steele was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and spent summers on the same lake where much of the drama in the following fast-paced and careering adventure story occurs. In this breathtaking tale he deftly shows us why there truly are times and places, Where Angels Fear to Tread.

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