Ang-book The Complete Guide to Angular

Ang-book The Complete Guide to Angular
Другая компьютерная литература, Программы
Год: 2020
Добавил: Admin 31 Июл 20
Проверил: Admin 31 Июл 20
Формат:  PDF (20372 Kb)
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This book aims to be the single most useful resource on learning Angular. By the time you’re done reading this book, you (and your team) will have everything you need to build reliable, powerful Angular apps.
Angular is a rich and feature-filled framework, but that also means it can be tricky to understandallofitsparts.Inthisbook,we’llwalkthrougheverythingfrominstalling the tools, writing components, using forms, routing between pages, and calling APIs.
But before we dig in, there are a few guidelines I want to give you in order to get the most out of this book. Briefly, I want to tell you:
• how to approach the code examples and • how to get help if something goes wrong

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