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Fog of War

Fog of War

Автор: Jones Ethan
Серия: Justin Hall #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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FOG OF WAR is the third book in the wildly popular Justin Hall spy thriller series, hitting the Amazon's Top 10 Best Sellers lists. When an Iranian nuclear scientist wants to defect, Canadian Intelligence Service sends in its best agent, Justin...
Смерть у порога

Смерть у порога

Язык: русский
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Что делать, если вашего сына задержали по подозрению в убийстве соседа и всей его семьи? Джим Каттер быстро понял — полиция уверена: его...
Target Lock

Target Lock

Серия: Amanda Garrett #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2002
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In Target Lock, an industrial research satellite falls to the Indonesian sea after a series of successful tests-only to disappear along with its international recovery team and their ship. NATO and U.S. military officials believe that it has been...
Battlefield China

Battlefield China

Серия: Red Storm #6
Язык: английский
Год: 2018
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Is the third world war really winding down? With the recent change in political tide for Russia, the threat of nuclear weapons coming from the Kremlin seems to have dwindled. However, more than one leader in Asia still holds nukes in their...
Mystery of the Amber Room

Mystery of the Amber Room

Автор: Child Preston W.
Серия: Order of the Black Sun #13
Язык: английский
Год: 2016
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A strange and terrifying ability surfaces in investigative journalist Sam Cleave, leaving his associate, Dr. Nina Gould, worried for his health. But Sam is not the one she should be worried about. Nina discovers that Sam's psychic talent is not...


Автор: Кук Робин
Язык: русский
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Знаменитого хирурга Крэга Баумана обвиняют в преступной небрежности, которая привела к смерти богатой пациентки. Он невиновен — в этом...
The Gates of Hell

The Gates of Hell

Автор: Leadbeater David
Серия: Matt Drake #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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Matt Drake, broken by the murder of his loved ones, betrayal, and the threat to his friends, sets out to cancel the blood vendetta imposed by the underworld linchpin, the Blood King. Revenge, terrible and personal drives Drake in his quest to...