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The Wave

The Wave

Автор: Sandom J. G.
Серия: John Decker #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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When Cryptanalyst John Decker of the FBI is assigned to the Joint Terrorist Task Force in New York, he has no idea he is about to be thrust into a deadly plot of eco-terrorism masterminded by El Aqrab, a diabolical killer recently arrested in Tel...
Solomon's Gold

Solomon's Gold

Серия: The Project #15
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
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An ancient scroll written in code is discovered in a New York museum. Selena Connor is called in to break the code and translate the writing. She's a world-class linguist, a member of the secretive, covert operations team known as the Project. ...
Dancing with the Dragon

Dancing with the Dragon

Автор: Weber Joe
Язык: английский
Год: 2003
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Dancing With The Dragon Marks A Return To The Classic Techno-Thriller. With a plot that could be ripped from the front pages of tomorrow's headlines Weber delivers the real deal. China, with the earth's largest population, the largest and...


Язык: русский

Эмми, истерзанная неудачами семейной жизни, отправляется в захолустье штата Флорида. Бег - увлечение, которое появилось как защитная...
Soft Targets

Soft Targets

Автор: Инг Дин
Язык: английский
Год: 1979
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America thought it was safe from the dreadful plague of terrorism scouring the rest of the world. Somehow, the cruel violence could never pass our borders. Somehow, the oceans, or God, would spare us. But jets do not stop for oceans, and...