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Триллер, Шпионские детективы


Язык: английский
Год: 1991
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The world's balance of power is about to shift dangerously as the ultimate weapon nears completion in a secret facility in the heart of the desert. Across the globe, operatives from the great nations set a deadly game in motion, covertly...


Автор: Кук Робин
Язык: английский
Год: 1997
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Amazon.com Review Fans of Robin Cook's many thrillers will be happy. In this latest outing, Invasion, Cook envisions a contact with extraterrestials that is closer to Alien than to E.T.. A gigantic spaceship arrives in the stratosphere to...


Автор: Кук Робин
Серия: Dr. Marissa Blumenthal #1
Язык: английский
Год: 1987
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A gripping medical drama that focuses on outbreaks of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, a deadly virus. Dr. Melissa Blumenthal, a Centers for Disease Control investigator, is thrust into the center of each seemingly unrelated outbreak. She slowly unravels...


Автор: Кук Робин
Язык: английский
Год: 1989
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He sought to create the son of his dreams — and invented a nightmare. Robin Cook’s new techno-medical thriller probes every father’s greatest fear. Drawing on a horror theme as old as Frankenstein, as fresh as tomorrow’s headlines,...


Автор: Collins Brandilyn
Язык: английский
Год: 2009
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When your worst fear comes true. Someone is watching Kaycee Raye. But who will believe her? Everyone knows she's a little crazy. Kaycee's popular syndicated newspaper column pokes fun at her own paranoia and multiple fears. The police in her...


Автор: Collins Brandilyn
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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Sometimes the truth hides where no one expects to find it.Joanne Weeks knows Baxter Jackson killed Linda---his second wife and Joanne's best friend---six years ago. But Baxter, a church elder and beloved member of the town, walks the streets a...
Knock Out

Knock Out

Серия: FBI Thriller #13
Язык: английский
Год: 2009
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Seven-year-old Autumn Backman has a gift: She can communicate telepathically with others. Not everyone, mind you, but with a select few with whom she shares a special kinship. When Autumn and her mother, Joanna, take her father's ashes to be...


Серия: Kay Scarpetta #16
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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From Americaas #1 bestselling crime writers comes the extraordinary new Kay Scarpetta novel. Leaving behind her private forensic pathology practice in Charleston, South Carolina, Kay Scarpetta accepts an assignment in New York City, where the...
Rules of The Hunt
Боевики, Триллер

Rules of The Hunt

Автор: O'Reilly Victor
Серия: Fitzduane #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1995
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With the defeat of the Hangman, Irish ex-soldier and war photographer Hugo Fitzduane thought he had at last reached a measure of peace, but in the world of international terrorism, there is no peace, only delayed revenge. In this case, revenge...
The Hijack

The Hijack

Автор: Falconer Duncan
Серия: Stratton #2
Год: 2004
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Palestinian freedom fighter Abed Abu Omar and 20 men are preparing for their most daring mission yet: the hijack of a five-story supertanker laden with oil. Meanwhile, SBS operative Stratton has been assigned to bodyguard work and is bored by the...