только полные версии  
Мистика, Триллер


Серия: Rogue angel #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2006
Статус: Закончена
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An ancient order tied to the Vatican... A blood fortune buried in the caves of France... A conspiracy of power, greed and darkest evil... Archaeologist and explorer Annja Creed's fascination with the myths and mysteries...
Eye Of The Fortuneteller

Eye Of The Fortuneteller

Язык: английский
полная версия

Kelsey Moore has lived on Fear Street all her life, and she's not afraid of anything – until she meets Madame Valda, a strange old woman who says she can see into the future. She tells Kelsey that only fools are fearless, but Kelsey only...
The Rats
Триллер, Ужасы

The Rats

Серия: Rats #1
Язык: английский
Год: 1974
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For millions of years man and rats had been natural enemies. But now for the first time—suddenly, shockingly, horribly—the balance of power had shifted and the rats began to prey on the human...
Станция «Гермес» [litres, с оптим. обл.]
Детективная фантастика, Триллер

Станция «Гермес» [litres, с оптим. обл.]

Язык: русский
Год: 2019
полная версия

Оказавшись в эпицентре войны между средневековым братством и криминальной группировкой, герою придется пройти все круги ада на земле и...
Ты и Я (СИ)
Триллер, Ужасы

Ты и Я (СИ)

Язык: русский
Статус: Закончена
полная версия

Писатель Аарон примерный семьянин, но после происшествия с его семьей с ним начинаются творится крайне странные вещи и ему становиться...
Owning Jacob - SA

Owning Jacob - SA

Язык: английский
Год: 1998
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Ben is devastated by the sudden death of his wife, and her son, Jacob, is a joy to him despite his autism. But while cleaning out his wife’s cupboards, Ben finds proof that Jacob was never her child. Horrified, he sets out to find Jacob’s real...
Fear The Worst

Fear The Worst

Автор: Barclay Linwood
Язык: английский
полная версия

That's what Tim Blake finds himself asking when his daughter Sydney vanishes into thin air. At the hotel where she was supposedly working, no one has ever heard of her. Even her closest friends can't tell him what Sydney was really doing in the...