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Desperate Asylum

Desperate Asylum

Язык: английский
Год: 1955
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Lisa Sheridan — a beautiful woman, alone and unfulfilled, driven by unnatural desires... Avery Lawes — only half a man because he had never loved a woman... They met, and each saw in the other a chance for escape. And so, in a frantic flight for...
The First Golden Age of Mystery & Crime MEGAPACK™: 26 Stories by Fletcher Flora
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The First Golden Age of Mystery & Crime MEGAPACK™: 26 Stories by Fletcher Flora

Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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Beginning in the 1950s, Flora wrote a string of 20 great novels — mysteries, suspense, plus three pseudonymously as “Ellery Queen.” He also published more than 160 short stories in the top mystery magazines. In his day, he was among the top of...
Солёный пёс [1965] [худ. Н. Цейтлин]
Детская проза, Природа и животные

Солёный пёс [1965] [худ. Н. Цейтлин]

Год: 1965
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Рассказ известного советского писателя о том, как дружили матросы с умным и верным корабельным псом по кличке Солёный, о...