Defend Me

Defend Me
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Morgen K. Ayden
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
Статус: Закончена
Добавил(а): iLiqna iLiewa 8 Янв 21
Проверил: Admin 8 Янв 21
Формат:  EPUB (145 Kb)
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Forget the rules. Forget right or wrong. Forget letting go.

When Roman Gregory's daughter caught him and Mila Lawson together in Santa Cruz, he swore he would face whatever he had to face to keep Mila by his side and win back his daughter. But now Talia isn't speaking to either of them, and their relationship has gotten a whole lot more complicated thanks to the violent cartel gunning for the ATF agent.

Mila knows nothing good comes easy, but she never imagined being the reason Talia stopped speaking to her father. All she wants to do is fix what she broke before the man she loves loses his daughter for good…even if that means she has to break her own heart to do it.

For Roman, bringing Mila to Los Angeles with a cartel war looming on the horizon is the most terrifying thing he's ever done. But now that he's claimed the gorgeous blonde, he can't let her go. He will do whatever it takes to keep her safe and regain his daughter's trust…even if he has to walk away from his career to do it.

But neither Roman nor Mila could have foreseen the news that will change their lives forever.

When his worst fear becomes a reality and Mila is targeted, more than just their hearts are on the line. To save Mila's life and guarantee a future with her, Roman will do more than break the rules. He'll rewrite the rule book entirely.

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