Destroy Me

Destroy Me
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Morgen K. Ayden
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
Статус: Закончена
Добавил(а): iLiqna iLiewa 8 Янв 21
Проверил: Admin 8 Янв 21
Формат:  EPUB (174 Kb)
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Two weeks. No strings. No messy emotions.
Those were the terms Mila Lawson offered Roman Gregory when they found themselves living together in Santa Cruz. Now that the ATF agent is sharing his life with his daughter's twenty-two-year-old best friend, he's finding it more and more difficult to deny what he's felt for her since the day they met.

With a drug cartel threatening to go to war and his daughter becoming increasingly suspicious, the last thing Roman should be thinking about is keeping Mila by his side. He's never wanted much, but he wants her…and he's willing to break more than a few of his own rules to convince the feisty little blonde to put her heart in his hands.

For Mila, falling for Roman might just be the most terrifying thing she's ever done. Trusting him with her body is one thing, but with her past still hanging over her, she knows all too well that the scary hot man who drives her wild has the power to destroy her.

As their time in Santa Cruz draws to a close and the world beyond their little stretch of beach closes in on them, Roman and Mila will be forced to confront the truth about their relationship and make decisions neither could have imagined.

But who said falling in love would be easy?

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