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Like geometry in the times of Euclid, modern mathematics can be synthesized within a compact list of axioms. The concepts used in that axiomatization belong to Cantor's set theory. Strictly speaking we have an infinite hierarchy of stronger and stronger set theories. The first of them, called Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (and denoted ZF) suffices for almost all mathematics. But an intriguing part is still missing. The theorems of that part require some stronger theories of this hierarchy. (Those theorems belong to descriptive set theory, problems of measurability, capacitability, property of Baire, determinacy, the theory of ideals of sets, etc.) The most natural way to gauge the strength of those theories is to look at the size of infinite cardinal numbers whose existence can be proved in them.

Ulam's work constitues the first deeper investigation of the size of a few such gauge-cardinals. Since 1931 the theory has undergone substantial development. But it was not until 1960, almost thirty years after his work, that W. Hanf and A. Tarski, using a theorem of J. Los, made the next step on that road. Since then many mathematicians (Keisler, Martin, Reinhardt, Solovay, and Woodin, to name only a few), have developed this topic.

Ulam was also the first to define in The Scottish Book[5] the binary infinite game of perfect information which was used later by H. Steinhaus and this writer to express the axiom of determinacy. (See commentary in The Scottish Book, pp. 113–116). Ulam's contributions to set theory are reproduced and their subsequent influence is outlined in SNU.

Ergodic Theory and Measure Theory

Before the war Schreier and Ulam were studying the group of homeomorphisms of the n-dimensional sphere S (see SNU). Later Oxtoby and Ulam (SNU) proved several fundamental results about this group.

The most important of these can be explained as follows (omitting mathematical precision): If we gently mix a glass of water, we get a transformation which is continuous (because water has some viscosity) and preserves volumes (because water is nearly incompressible). Now their theorem tells us that almost all such transformations have the property that no portion of the water which has a positive volume, except the whole glass, will occupy the same location before and after the mixing.

Transformations with the above properties are called ergodic, and before the work of Oxtoby and Ulam, it was not even known that such transformations exist.


Ulam had a very geometrical way of thinking and he was interested in problems of geometric topology (e.g., the antipodal theorem mentioned above). But he also contributed to general topology.

With Kuratowski he extended Fubini's classical theorem from the paradigm of measure to the paradigm of the Baire category. With Schreier he showed that every homeomorphism of the sphere S

Branching Processes

Everett and Ulam wrote important papers about processes of the Galton-Watson type (ABA). They studied the probability connected with the cascades of elementary particles caused by collisions of energetic particles. Their chief results pertained to the relative number of particles of different kinds such as neutrons and uranium nuclei. Since that time, the theory of branching processes has undergone a great deal of further development.

Nonlinear Systems

The theory of nonlinear systems was initiated by the work of Fermi, Pasta, and Ulam (SNU, ABA). Experimenting with a computer, they discovered that a vibrating string whose classical equation is perturbed by a certain nonlinear term almost returns to its original position, and much earlier than expected from statistical considerations. Thus, in spite of the existence of the nonlinear term, energy does not disperse over higher harmonics but remains concentrated over the first few and often returns to the very first. This work initiated a great number of studies by physicists and mathematicians; in particular it led to the theory of solitons.

Stein and Ulam obtained interesting results on nonlinear transformations, their stable and non-stable fixed points, periodic points, and others (see SNU or ABA). The subject of their studies is connected with the classical paper of Volterra about the fluctuation of relative population numbers of different species of fishes in ponds. The relative number of individuals of each of the n species is represented by baricentric coordinates of a point in an n-1 dimensional simplex. The simplex is subject to a transformation which describes the law of the evolution of the population. Stein and Ulam studied the movement of points in the simplex under various simple transformations of that kind and they obtained very strange trajectories of these points. Their experiments suggested the existence of complicated sets, so-called strange attractors, and others. This became a very lively field of study.

Computers, Monte Carlo Method, The Hydrogen Bomb

Papers with von Neumann and Richtmyer (ABA), and with Metropolis (SNU), propose the application of computers to statistical studies by the method of random samples. This became known as the Monte Carlo Method. Multidimensional integrals can often be evaluated by this method even when all other methods fail. In this way the efficiency of shields of nuclear reactors, so-called neutron transport problems, and many other problems were solved. By means of computers Ulam also studied the evolution of populations of stars under the law of gravitational attraction and the evolution of genes in the genetic pool of a species, taking into account mutations and sexual reproduction. He also played with simple rules leading to the interesting evolution of some discrete dynamic systems (ABA).

His work on fusion and the hydrogen bomb remains classified. (See article by Hirsch and Mathews.)

The life and work of Stanislaw Ulam teaches us that one can make important contributions to science by letting one's imagination roam freely upon unexplored topics and by taking the fullest advantage of the universality of the language of mathematics.


SANTA FE, 1990


At dusk the plane from Washington to Albuquerque approached the Sandia Mountain range at the foot of which nestles the city of Albuquerque. Some ten minutes before the landing, the lights of the city of Santa Fe became visible in the distance. On the Western horizon loomed the mysterious mass of the volcanic Jemez Mountains. It was perhaps the hundredth time I was returning from Washington, New York, or California, where Los Alamos affairs or some other government or academic business took me almost every month.

My thoughts traveled back to my first arrival in New Mexico in January of 1944. I was a young professor at the University of Wisconsin and had been called to participate in a project, the exact nature of which could not be divulged at the time. All I was told was how to get to the Los Alamos area — a train station named Lamy near Santa Fe.

If someone had prophesied some forty-five years ago that I, a young ''pure" mathematician from Lwów, Poland, would spend a good part of my adult life in New Mexico — a state whose name and existence I was not even aware of when I lived in Europe — I would have dismissed the idea as inconceivable.

I found myself recollecting my childhood in Poland, my studies, my preoccupation with mathematics even at an early age, and how my interest in physics led me to enlarge my scientific curiosity, which in turn — by a series of accidents and chance — led to a call to join the Los Alamos Project. The nature of the work there I only vaguely guessed when my friend John von Neumann asked me to join him and other physicists at a strange place. "West of the Rio Grande," was all he could tell me when I met him between trains at Union Station in Chicago.



Birkhäuser, edited by R. D. Mauldin, 1979.