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12. The “old-fashioned ways’” and “old-fashioned values” still show the best way to live.

13. You have to admire those who challenged the law and the majority’s view by protesting for women’s abortion rights, for animal rights, or to abolish school prayer.

14. What our country really needs is a strong, determined leader who will crush evil and take us back to our true path.

15. Some of the best people in our country are those who are challenging our government, criticizing religion, and ignoring the “normal way things are supposed to be done.”

16. God’s laws about abortion, pornography, and marriage must be strictly followed before it is too late, and those who break them must be strongly punished.

17. It would be best for everyone if the proper authorities censored magazines so that people could not get their hands on trashy and disgusting material.

18. There is nothing wrong with premarital sexual intercourse.

19. Our country will be great if we honor the ways of our forefathers, do what the authorities tell us to do, and get rid of the “rotten apples” who are ruining everything.

20. There is no “ONE right way” to live life; everybody has to create their own way.

21. Homosexuals and feminists should be praised for being brave enough to defy “traditional family values.”

22. This country would work a lot better if certain groups of troublemakers would just shut up and accept their group’s traditional place in society.

23. There are many radical, immoral people in our country today who are trying to ruin it for their own godless purposes, whom the authorities should put out of action.

24. People should pay less attention to the Bible and the other old forms of religious guidance, and instead develop their own personal standards of what is moral and immoral.

25. What our country needs most is discipline, with everyone following our leaders in unity.

26. It’s better to have trashy magazines and radical pamphlets in our communities than to let the government have the power to censor them.

27. The facts on crime, sexual immorality, and the recent public disorders all show we have to crack down harder on deviant groups and troublemakers if we are going to save our moral standards and preserve law and order.

28. A lot of our rules regarding modesty and sexual behavior are just customs that are not necessarily any better or holier than those that other people follow.

29. The situation in our country is getting so serious, the strongest methods would be justified if they eliminated the troublemakers and got us back to our true path.

30. A “woman’s place” should be wherever she wants to be. The days when women are submissive to their husbands and social conventions belong strictly in the past.

31. It is wonderful that young people today have greater freedom to protest against things they don’t like and to make their own “rules” to govern their behavior.

32. Once our government leaders give us the “go ahead,” it will be the duty of every patriotic citizen to help stomp out the rot that is poisoning our country from within.


Social Dominance Orientation Survey[*]

Note: This scale testing social dominance orientation does not include its scoring. Those interested in further information should consult F. Pratto, J. Sidanius, L. M. Stallworth, and B. F. Malle, “Social Dominance Orientation: A Personality Variable Predicting Social and Political Attitudes,” Journal of Personality & Social Psychology (1994), 741–763, at file:///H|/website/pubs/PrattoSidanius1994.pdf.

1. Some groups of people are simply not the equals of others.

2. Some people are just more worthy than others.

3. This country would be better off if we cared less about how equal all people were.

4. Some people are just more deserving than others.

5. It is not a problem if some people have more of a chance in life than others.

6. Some people are just inferior to others.

7. To get ahead in life, it is sometimes necessary to step on others.

8. Increased economic equality.

9. Increased social equality.

10. Equality.

11. If other people were treated more equally we would have fewer problems in this country.

12. In an ideal world, all nations would be equal.

13. We should try to treat one another as equals as much as possible. (All humans should be treated as equals.)

14. It is important that we treat other countries as equals.



With permission of Jim Sidanius, University of California, Los Angeles.