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"He works hard, obeys all orders, smiles more than necessary, and watches everything which is going on. That’s how I pick out all the spies: they work the hardest and give the least trouble-aside from their crimes, of course. If I were a deep-dyed cynic, I might try to hire all spies."

Glawen had been watching Benjamie. “He doesn't look like a typical spy."

“Perhaps not. He looks even less like a typical worker. I've always felt in my bones it was Benjamie who laid the trap for your father."

"But you have no proof.”

"If I had proof, Benjamie would not be grinning so cheerfully.”

“Well, so long as Benjamie is not watching, this is what I have in mind." Glawen explained his concept. Chilke listened dubiously. "At this end, the notion is feasible, but I can't turn a tap without clearance from Bodwyn Wook."

Glawen gave a sour nod. “That is what I thought you'd say. Very well; I'll go this very minute and put my case to him."

Glawen hurried up Wansey Way to the New Agency, only to be informed by Hilda, the vinegary office manager, that Bodwyn Wook had not yet put in an appearance. Hilda was suspicious and resentful of Glawen. She felt that he enjoyed too many perquisites. “You’ll have to wait, just like everybody else," said Hilda.

Glawen cooled his heels for an hour before Bodwyn Wook’s arrival. Ignoring Glawen, he stopped by Hilda’s desk to mutter a few terse words, then-marched past Glawen looking neither to right nor to left.

Glawen waited another ten minutes, then told Hilda: “You may announce to the superintendent that captain Glawen Clattuc has arrived and wishes a word with him.”

“He knows you're here.”

“I can’t wait much longer.”

“Oh?" demanded Hilda sarcastically. “You have an important engagement elsewhere?”

“The Conservator has invited me to lunch at Riverview House.”

Hilda grimaced. She spoke into the mesh of the transceiver.

“Glawen is becoming restive."

Bodwyn Wook’s voice came as a harsh mumble. Hilda turned to Glawen. “You can go on in.”

Glawen marched with dignity into the inner office. Bodwyn Wook looked up from his desk and jerked his thumb toward a chair. Be seated, please. What is all this about you and the Conservator?”

“I had to tell that woman something; otherwise she would keep me sitting bolt upright all day. It's clear that she dislikes me intensely. “

“Wrong!" declared Bodwyn Wook. “She adores you but is afraid to show it.”

"I find that hard to believe,” said Glawen.

“No matter let us not waste time discussing Hilda and her megrims. Why are you here? Do you have something new to tell me? If not, go away.”

Glawen spoke in a controlled voice. “I would like to ask your plans in regard to Shattorak.”

Bodwyn Wook said briskly. “The matter has been taken under advisement. As of this instant, no decisions have been made.”

Glawen raised-his eyebrows as if in surprise. “I should think haste would be a priority.”

“We have a dozen priorities. Among other incidentals, I would very much like to destroy Titus Pompo's space yacht — or, even better, capture it.''

“But you are planning no immediate action to rescue my father?”

Bodwyn Wook flung his lank arms into the air. “Do I plan a hell-roaring swoop upon Shattorak in full force? Not today and not tomorrow.”

''What is your thinking?”

“Have I not explained? We want to survey the ground with stealth and caution. That is how we do it at Bureau B, where intellect dominates hysteria! Some of the time, at least."

“I have an idea which seems to accord with your plans."

“Ha hah!” If it entails a private assault, replete with Clattuc flair and insolence, save your breath. We can spare no flyers for any such madcap excursion.''

“I intend nothing so rash, sir, and I would not use one of the Bureau flyers.”

“You plan to walk and swim?"

“No, sir. There is an old Skyrie utility flyer at the back of the airport. The superstructure is cut away; in fact it is no more than a flying platform. Chilke sometimes uses it to carry freight down to Cape Journal. It is suitable for what I have in mind.”

“Which is, specifically what?"

“I would approach Ecce at sea level, fly up the Vertes River to the foot of Shattorak, secure the Skyrie and proceed up the slope to the prison. There I would reconnoiter."

“My dear Glawen, your proposal is as like to horrid suicide as two peas in a pod.”

Glawen smilingly shook his head, "I hope not."

“How can you avoid it? The beasts are savage."

"Chilke will help me equip the Skyrie."

“Aha! So you have taken Chilke into your confidence."

“Necessarily. We will install floats and a canopy over the front section, also a pair of G-ZR guns, on swivels.”

“And after you set down the Skyrie, what then? Do you think you can simply saunter up the hill? The jungle is as evil as the swamp.”

“According to the references, the creatures become torpid during the afternoon.”

“Because of the heat. You will go torpid, as well.”

“I'll load the small swamp crawler on the afterdeck of the Skyrie. It might make the climb up Shattorak easier, perhaps safer.”

“Words like 'easy' and 'safe' don’t apply on Ecce.”

Glawen looked off out the window. “I hope to survive.”

“I hope so too,“ said Bodwyn Wook.

“Then you will approve the plan?”

“Not so fast. Assume you are able to climb Shattorak, what then?”

“I'll arrive at the prison strip outside the stockade. With luck, I'll find my father at once, and we will return down the hill with as little commotion as possible. If his absence is noticed, it will be assumed that he tried to escape across the jungle."

Bodwyn Wook gave a disparaging grunt. “That is the optimum case. You might be detected, or trip some kind of alarm."

“The same would be true of any attempt at reconnaissance."

Bodwyn Wook shook his head. “Scharde is a lucky man. If I were captured, I wonder who would come for me.”

"I would, sir.”

“Very well, Glawen. I see that you are determined to have your way. Use prudence. Do not challenge unfavorable odds. Clattuc élan is useless on Mount Shattorak. Secondly, if you cannot rescue your father, bring away another person who can supply us with information.”

“Very well, sir. What of radio communication?”

“We don’t have peepers[5].There has never before been any need for such things. You must do without. Now then, what else?"

“You might call Chilke and mention that he is to proceed on the Skyrie.”

“Very well. Anything more?”

“You should know that Egon Tamm has invited me to Riverview House. He wants me to read Floreste's letter to Dame Clytie Vergence and some of the other LPFers.”

“Hmf. You have become quite the society man. I suppose you want a copy of the letter."

“I already have one, sir.”

“That is all, Glawen! Be off with you!”


Shortly before noon Glawen arrived at Riverview House, where he was admitted into the shadowy front hall by Egon Tamm himself. In the last few months, so it seemed to Glawen, Egon had aged perceptibly. Gray dusted the dark hair at his temples; his clear olive complexion had taken on an ivory pallor. He greeted Glawen in more than ordinary cordiality. “In all candor, Glawen, I am not enjoying my present company. I find it difficult to maintain my official detachment.”

“Dame Clytie is evidently in good form.”



Peepers: transceivers which first encode a message then compress it into a 'peep' a billionth of a second long, which can be transmitted without fear of detection.