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2. Two times, the girl put down the candles to climb a stile, and a dog stole them.

3. Four times, the girl put down the candles to climb a stile, and a dog stole them.

4. Five times, the girl put down the candles to climb a stile, and a dog stole them.

5. What did the stepmother told the daughter when she returned?

1. When the daughter returned, her stepmother told her to go away.

2. When the daughter returned, her stepmother told her to prepare dinner.

3. When the daughter returned, her stepmother told her to come and let her comb her hair.

4. When the daughter returned, her stepmother told her to rest a little.

6. What is the millstone?

1. It is the iron support, usually fourarmed or cross-shaped, for the turning stone.

2. It is the stone used in grist mills, for grinding wheat or other grains.

3. It is the common rock granite.

4. It is the colourless and transparent stone.

7. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. The stepmother stewed the daughter's heart and liver, and her husband tasted them and said they were delicious.

2. The stepmother stewed the daughter's heart and liver, and her husband tasted them and said they tasted strangely.

3. The stepmother stewed the daughter's heart and liver, and her husband ate them all and asked some more food.

4. The stepmother stewed the daughter's head and liver, and her husband tasted them and said they tasted strangely.

8. Why did the brother refuse to eat his sister's heart and liver?

1. Because he was sorry for his sister.

2. Because they were not delicious.

3. Because he was not hungry.

4. Because he was vegetarian.

9. Выберите нужное прилагательное:

One day, the rose-tree flowered, and a ______________bird appeared.

1. black

2. blue

3. red

4. white

10. Выберите нужные слова:

The bird sang to a cobbler and received ______________; it sang to a watchmaker and received______________; it sang to three millers and received ______________.

1. a millstone; a pair of red shoes; a gold watch and chain

2. a gold watch and chain; a pair of red shoes; a millstone

3. a pair of red shoes; a gold watch and chain; a millstone

4. a millstone; a gold watch and chain; a pair of red shoes

11. Выберите нужные глаголы:

The stepmother_____________that it thundered, and the boy ______________.

1. ran out; said

2. ran out; say

3. said; ran out

4. said; run out

12. Выберите нужные слова:

The boy ran out, and the bird dropped _______________at his feet. The father went out, and the bird dropped _______________at his feet. The stepmother went out, and the bird dropped _______________on her head.

1. the millstone, the shoes, the watch and chain

2. the shoes, the watch and chain, the millstone

3. the watch and chain, the shoes, the millstone

4. the watch and chain, the millstone, the shoes

13. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many persons are mentioned in the story?

2. How many times did the bird sing?

3. Did you like the daughter?

4. What would you do if you were the main character of the story?

5. What is the end of the story?

6. Retell the story.

14. Заполните таблицу:


1. The girl was very beautiful, and although her brother loved her, his mother hated her.

2. A stepmother is one's father's wife and not one's natural mother.

3. The stepmother sent the little girl to the store to buy candles.

4. Three times, the girl put down the candles to climb a stile, and a dog stole them.

5. When the daughter returned, her stepmother told her to come and let her comb her hair.

6. It is the stone used in grist mills, for grinding wheat or other grains.

7. The stepmother stewed the daughter's heart and liver, and her husband tasted them and said they tasted strangely.

8. Because he was sorry for his sister.

9. white; One day, the rose-tree flowered, and a white bird appeared.

10. a pair of red shoes; a gold watch and chain; a millstone

The bird sang to a cobbler and received a pair of red shoes; it sang to a watchmaker and received a gold watch and chain; it sang to three millers and received a millstone.

11. said; ran out; The stepmother said that it thundered, and the boy ran out.

12. The boy ran out, and the bird dropped the shoes at his feet. The father went out, and the bird dropped the watch and chain at his feet. The stepmother went out, and the bird dropped the millstone on her head.


The Three Heads of the Well

Long before Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, there reigned in the eastern part of England a king. In the midst of all his glory, his queen died, leaving behind her an only daughter, about fifteen years of age. She was famous for her beauty and kindness. But the king heard of a lady who had likewise an only daughter,[38] and he wanted to marry her for the sake of her riches,[39] though she was old, ugly, hook-nosed,[40] and hump-backed.[41] Her daughter was a yellow dowdy, full of envy and ill-nature;[42] and, in short, was much of the same mould as her mother. But in a few weeks the king brought his deformed bride to the palace, where the marriage was performed. They set the king against[43] his own beautiful daughter by false reports.[44] The young princess lost her father’s love. One day, meeting with her father in the garden, she begged him, with tears in her eyes, to let her go and seek her fortune. The king consented, and ordered her mother-in-law to give her what she pleased. She went to the queen, who gave her a canvas bag of brown bread and hard cheese, with a bottle of beer. She took it, with thanks, and proceeded on her journey, passing through groves, woods, and valleys, till at length[45] she saw an old man sitting on a stone at the mouth of a cave. That man said, “Good afternoon, fair girl, where are you going so fast?”

“Dear father,” says she, “I am going to seek my fortune.”

“What have you got in your bag and bottle?”

“In my bag I have got bread and cheese, and in my bottle good small beer. Would you like to have some?”

“Yes,” said he, “with all my heart.[46]

With that the lady pulled out her provisions, and offered him food. He did so, and gave her many thanks, and said, “There is a thick thorny hedge before you, which you cannot get through, but take this wand in your hand, strike it three times, and say, ‘Pray, hedge, let me come through,[47]’ and it will open immediately. Then, a little further, you will find a well; sit down on the brink of it, and there will come up three golden heads, which will speak; and whatever they require, that do.[48]

The girl promised that she would, and she took her leave of him.[49] She came to the hedge and used the old man’s wand, and it divided, and let her through. Then she came to the well. She sat down, and a golden head came up singing:



who had likewise an only daughter – у которой также была одна дочь



for the sake of her riches – из-за её богатств



hook-nosed – нос крючком



hump-backed – горбатая



ill-nature – злоба, недоброжелательность



they set the king against – настроили короля против



false reports – наветы



at length – в конце концов



with all my heart – с большой радостью



let me come through – дай мне пройти



that do – то и делай



she took her leave of him – она с ним попрощалась

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