
Триллер, Шпионские детективы
Автор: Granger Bill
Серия: November Man #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Издатель: Grand Central Publishing
ISBN: 9781455530632
Город: New York
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The November Man returns…

After twenty years in the Cambodian jungle, Father Leo Tunney has staggered out — with a secret of global importance.
What does Father Leo Tunney know?
Washington, Moscow, Vatican City and an international bank want to find out — at any cost.
So does a cool, clever U.S. agent: Deveraux — code name, the "November Man." And one other: A beautiful young journalist who has her own way of prying answers from a tortured priest… a woman who might outwit them all… or become the ultimate pawn in a deadly game that could destroy the balance of world power!

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