Sleeping in the Ground

Sleeping in the Ground
Полицейские детективы
Серия: Inspector Banks #24
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
Издатель: Hodder & Stoughton, Hachette
ISBN: 978-1-4447-8691-0
Город: London
Добавил: Admin 10 Ноя 23
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A shocking mass murder occurs at a wedding in a small Dales church and a huge manhunt follows. Eventually, the shooter is run to ground and things take their inevitable course.
But Banks is plagued with doubts as to exactly what happened outside the church that day, and why. Struggling with the death of his first serious girlfriend and the return of profiler Jenny Fuller into his life, Banks feels the need to dig deeper into the murders, and as he does so, he uncovers forensic and psychological puzzles that lead him to the past secrets that might just provide the answers he is looking for.
When the surprising truth becomes clear, it is almost too late.

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