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Серия: Sprawl trilogy #1
Язык: английский
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Here is the novel that started it all, launching the cyberpunk generation, and the first novel to win the holy trinity of science fiction: the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award and the Philip K. Dick Award. With Neuromancer, William Gibson introduced...
Altered Carbon

Altered Carbon

Серия: Takeshi Kovacs #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2002
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Mankind is strung out across interstellar space, and human consciousness is digitally freighted between the stars and downloaded into bodies, but some things never change, so when Takeshi is downloaded into the body of an ex-thug and presented with...


Язык: английский
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Before the attack, sixteen-year-old Tom Harvey was just an ordinary boy. But now fragments of a shattered iPhone are embedded in his brain and it's having an extraordinary effect... Because now Tom has powers. The ability to know and see...
Snow Crash

Snow Crash

Серия: Snow Crash #1
Язык: английский
Год: 1992
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Only once in a great while does a writer come along who defies comparison - a writer so original he redefines the way we look at the world. Neal Stephenson is such a writer and Snow Crash is such a novel, weaving virtual reality, Sumerian myth,...


Автор: Ramez Naam
Серия: Nexus #1
Язык: английский
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In the near future, the experimental nano-drug Nexus can link humans together, mind to mind. There are some who want to improve it. There are some who want to eradicate it. And there are others who just want to exploit it.  When a young...
The Atrocity Archives
Киберпанк, Ужасы

The Atrocity Archives

Серия: Laundry #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2006
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In the title piece, Alan Turing, the father of modern computer science, completes his theorem on "Phase Conjugate Grammars for Extra-dimensional Summoning." Turing's work paves the way for esoteric mathematical computations that, when carried...
Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology
Боевая фантастика, Киберпанк

Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology

Серия: Антология #2007
Язык: английский
Год: 2007
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Cyberpunk is dead The revolution has been co-opted by half-assed heroes, overclocked CGI, and tricked-out sunglasses. Once radical, cyberpunk is nothing more than a brand. Time to stop flipping the channel ...