The biography of the Englishwoman who has become a world-renowned spiritual leader and a champion of the right of women to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Following Tenzin Palmo's life from England to India, including her seclusion in a remote...
Andrews McMeel Publishing and Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strips and #1 best-selling author of Dilbert humor books, have agreed to publish Mr. Adams' new project called God's Debris: A Thought Experiment. God's Debris is Scott's...
A contemporary and contemplative spiritual exploration of Death, by best selling author, Poet-philosopher, and Zen priest Tai Sheridan, Ph.D. Beneath the surface, many anxieties, worries, and fears are associated with death. ‘Relax, You Are Going...
Who is Lucifer? For many of us Lucifer and Satan are alternative names for the embodiment of pure evil. The orthodox Christian view tells us that Prince Lucifer challenged God, fell from Heaven, tempted Eve, and created death and suffering. Then...
Buddho e lua doktrino esis idala verko qua aparis dum unesma mondomilito.
Ica verko savigas Budista-doktrino da nesavanti pri...